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Wrinkle Reduction in Crawley

Wrinkle reduction treatment is using a purified protein that, when inserted under the skin, relaxes the muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles. It can be used for forehead lines, crow’s feet, bunny lines and laughter lines.

Wrinkle Reduction

What does the treatment involve?

An ultra-fine needle is used to precisely deliver small amounts of a purified protein. This prevents certain facial muscles from contracting, which stops the skin from creasing.

Treatment takes around 10-15 minutes and the effects will show in a couple of days. This treatment is most often used in the upper part of the face to correct forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, and migraines.

The effect of the treatment will approximately last 3-4 months.

Uses of Wrinkle Reduction


Most commonly used for anti-ageing treatments. It can be used to combat different types of wrinkles and lines. We use it for:

  1. Brow lift
  2. Contouring the lower face
  3. Chin dimpling
  4. Reducing the appearance of a sad mouth
  5. Bunny lines
  6. Frown lines
1 Area £180.00
2 Areas £240.00
3 Areas £290.00